

We are making a few changes to the format of the Killed By Dice events. We initially started with more or less a walk-in open house format where I promised that there would be a game to play every week. This was exciting and let us play a huge variety of games. However, it has been difficult for me to keep up with curating and learning new game systems.

Though it is worth mentioning that it is and will always be the case that other people are feel to GM their own games, as long as they don't fall too far out of the scope of the Killed By Dice mission statement -- which is mostly to opt-out of the commerce and larger social context of gaming culture and focus exclusively on playing the games themselves.

Going forward there will be two types of events:

  1. One-shot games that people must reserve a slot for (using EventBrite)
  2. Scheduled longer running games with a fixed group

You can follow us on EventBrite to view and RSVP for the one-shots:

In the case of the longer running games, they will be organized more informally. But I will post information about which game we are playing, if we need players, etc.

I will be making some changes to our calendar code to faciliate the new format.

In addition to the format change, one of the monthly events will be hosted at the Foulab hackerspace. We will play a science-fiction themed game at the Foulab events to fit with the vibe of the space. We have already played Mothership in December and the original Cyberpunk in January. This month we will be playing Remember Tomorrow.

On February 11, we will also be flexing our role-playing fundamentals by playing The Pool.