Fifth open house (May 28, 2023)


I will be hosting the fifth Killed By Dice role-playing game open house on Sunday, May 28, 2023.

We will meet in the lobby or just out front. We will wait around for about twenty minutes for people to show up. Any late-comers can contact me via email (david AT killedbydice DOT com) to be let into the building.

Dice, pencils, paper, and other materials will be provided.

We have some ongoing games of The Pool and *Marvel Super Heroes" that we can pick up on depending on whether the regular players are present.

Alternately, we can pair off and play Cold Soldier, play a different scenario in The Pool. I have prepaped some other games as well including InSpectres and Circle of Hands. It all depends on who shows up and what we feel like.

Beginners are welcome and encouraged, as always.

I also set up a chat system for discussing things between events. I will share the details with attendees.

Lastly, due to some concerns about the food situation, I will make a giant nutritious vegan pasta salad. People are also welcome to bring snacks.